New Testament Timeline: A Comprehensive Guide
The New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible, chronicles the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and the early Church. Its timeline spans several decades, from the birth of Jesus to the writing of the last book of the New Testament. Understanding this timeline is crucial for comprehending the major events and teachings of Christianity.
Early Years of Jesus (4 BC - 30 AD)
- Circa 4 BC: Jesus is born in Bethlehem, Judea, to Mary and Joseph.
- Circa 12 AD: Jesus attends the Temple in Jerusalem at age 12 and astounds the teachers with his knowledge.
- Circa 26 AD: John the Baptist begins preaching and baptizing people in the Jordan River.
Public Ministry of Jesus (30 - 33 AD)
- Circa 30 AD: Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist and begins his public ministry.
- 31 AD: Jesus calls his first disciples and performs his first miracle at the wedding in Cana.
- 32 AD: Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount and performs numerous miracles throughout Galilee.
Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection (33 AD)
- Palm Sunday: Jesus enters Jerusalem amidst great fanfare.
- Maundy Thursday: Jesus celebrates the Last Supper with his disciples.
- Good Friday: Jesus is arrested, tried, and crucified on Golgotha.
- Easter Sunday: Jesus is resurrected from the dead and appears to his disciples.
Post-Resurrection Appearances (33 - 50 AD)
- 40 Days After Resurrection: Jesus ascends into heaven.
- Pentecost (33 AD): The Holy Spirit descends upon the disciples, empowering them to speak in tongues and spread the Gospel.
- Circa 37 AD: Paul is converted to Christianity and becomes a prominent missionary.
Establishment of the Early Church (50 - 100 AD)
- Circa 50 AD: The Council of Jerusalem addresses the issue of Gentile inclusion in the Christian community.
- 60 - 64 AD: Paul writes most of his epistles, which become part of the New Testament.
- Circa 67 AD: Jewish-Roman War begins. Jerusalem is destroyed in 70 AD.
- Circa 95 - 100 AD: The Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, is written.
Frequently Asked Questions about New Testament Timeline
What period of time does the New Testament cover?
- The New Testament covers approximately 60 years, from the birth of Jesus Christ to the end of the first century AD.
How is the New Testament timeline divided?
- The New Testament timeline can be divided into four main periods:
- The life of Jesus Christ (c. 4 BC - c. 30 AD)
- The early church (c. 30 - c. 70 AD)
- The period of the apostles (c. 70 - c. 100 AD)
- The post-apostolic period (c. 100 - c. 150 AD)
What are some of the key events in the New Testament timeline?
- Some of the key events in the New Testament timeline include:
- The birth of Jesus Christ
- The ministry of Jesus Christ
- The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- The Pentecost
- The spread of the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire
- The writing of the New Testament
- The destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
How does the New Testament timeline compare to the Old Testament timeline?
- The New Testament timeline is a continuation of the Old Testament timeline and covers the period from the birth of Jesus Christ to the end of the first century AD. The Old Testament timeline covers the period from the creation of the world to the exile of the Jews in Babylon.